University of Houston/Rice University, April 26–28, 2002



Friday, April 26

12 noon – 2 p.m. Moores Opera House Lobby, University of Houston

Registration and reception for all registrants

2 – 5 p.m. Dudley Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building, UH

Welcome: David Ashley White (Director, Moores School of Music) and Robin Leaver (ABS President, Westminster Choir College of Rider University)

Paper Session I: Sacred Music (I)

Chair: Gregory Butler (University of British Columbia)

Renate Steiger (Heidelberg): “Dialogue structures in Bach’s cantatas”

Mark Peters (University of Pittsburgh): “Settings of the Vox Christi in Johann Sebastian Bach’s cantatas to texts by Christiane Mariane von Ziegler”

Mary Greer (New York, N.Y.): “Embracing faith: the message of the medium in selected sacred cantatas by J. S. Bach”

Michael Marissen (Swarthmore College): “Bach and Josephus on the destruction of Jerusalem”


5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Kim Son Restaurant

Dinner and ABS Business Meeting


8 p.m. St. Anne’s Catholic Church

Concert: Freiburg Baroque Orchestra with Emma Kirkby
   Houston Early Music: Bach and Handel program


Saturday, April 27

9 – 10:30 a.m. Duncan Recital Hall, Rice University

Paper Session II: Bach and the Organ

Chair: Daniel R. Melamed (Indiana University)

Lynn Edwards (Northampton, Mass.): “‘A really large and really beautiful organ’: Johann Christoph Bach’s new organ for St. George’s Church in Eisenach”

George Ritchie (University of Nebraska-Lincoln): “The recently restored Naumburg organ: a direct link to J. S. Bach”

11 a.m. Christ the King Lutheran Church

Lecture–Recital: Joan Lippincott (Princeton University and Westminster Choir College of Rider University) and George Stauffer (Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University), with Ars Lyrica Houston, Matthew Dirst, director (University of Houston)

Program: Bach Concertos and Sinfonias with Obbligato Organ

Lunch on your own in Rice Village, ABS Board luncheon in Rice Village


2 – 5 p.m. Duncan Recital Hall, Rice University

Paper Session III: Instrumental Issues

Chair: Mary Oleskiewicz (University of Massachusetts at Boston)

Andrew Talle (Harvard University): “Music ‘zur Gemüths Ergötzung,’ 1660–1760”

Julia Severus (Technische Universität Berlin): “Staccato wider die Wollust: The relationship between text and notated articulation in the instrumental parts of Bach’s concerted vocal works”

Raymond Erickson (Queens College and the Graduate School, CUNY): “Bach’s ‘Ciaccona’ for Solo Violin: Challenging the modern performance tradition”

Evan Scooler (Brandeis University): “Uncovering the function of Bach’s ‘Great Eighteen’ Chorales: an Advent organ hymnal”

5 - 5:30 p.m.  Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall, Rice University

Demonstration of the Fisk/Rosales organ by Clyde Holloway (Rice University)

Dinner on your own in Rice Village

8 p.m. Christ the King Lutheran Church

Concert: Houston Bach Choir and Orchestra, Robert Lynn, director
    Program to include C. P. E Bach’s 1789 St. Matthew Passion


Sunday, April 28

9 a.m. – 12 noon Hyatt Regency Hotel

Paper Session IV: Sacred Music (II)

Chair: Matthew Dirst (University of Houston)

Jeanne Swack (University of Wisconsin-Madison): “The French ouverture as theological signifier in Telemann’s ‘Jesus sei mein erstes Wort’ and ‘Christ ist erstanden von der Marter alle’”

Ulrich Leisinger (Bach-Archiv Leipzig): “Searching for an alternative to the ‘Wicked German church texts’: the role of the Latin church music in Bach reception”

Robin Leaver (Westminster Choir College): “Introit, hymn or motet? Liturgical practice in Leipzig during Bach’s cantorate”
