Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society

LEIPZIG, MAY 11-13, 2006



Program  |  Abstracts


THURSday, MAY 11

          10:30–2:00 p.m.       Registration Bach-Archiv Leipzig

    2:00 p.m.                  Opening Session Bach-Archiv

Welcome: Gregory Butler, President

Welcome: Christoph Wolff (Bach-Archiv Leipzig & Harvard University)

Keynote address: John Butt (University of Glasgow): “Bach Crossing



            4:00 p.m.                Depart for Naumburg

            5:00 p.m.                Concert at St. Wenceslaus Church (Hildebrandt organ, 1746)

                                                 Organ Recital and Performance of Two Bach Cantatas: Musica Antiqua Köln


            7:00 p.m.                Wine Tasting and Dinner in Naumburg

FRIday, MAY 12

      9 a.m.–12 p.m.       Session I: Style, Structure and Meaning in the Works of Bach Bach-Archiv


Marie Herseth Kenote (Nyack College), “Bach on the Border of Styles: A Fresh Look at the Controversies Surrounding the Autograph Manuscript of BWV 1032”


Mark Ellis (University of Huddersfield), “Ritornello and Variation Processes in the Music of J. S. Bach”


Elizabeth Joyce (Brandeis University), “Bach and the Figure of the ‘Good Shepherd’”


        10:30–11:00         coffee break

Don O. Franklin (University of Pittsburgh), "The Role of the 'Actus Structure' in the Planning and Composition of J. S. Bach's Matthew Passion"


Paul Walker (University of Virginia), “Bach’s Use of Fugue in the Stile Antico Vocal Writing of the B-Minor Mass”


        12–2:00 p.m.       Lunch independently (ABS Board meeting)

        2:30–5:30 p.m.    Session II: Bach and His Contemporaries Bach-Archiv

Michael Maul (Bach-Archiv Leipzig), “Leipzig Church Music in the Shadow of Johann Sebastian Bach Insights into the Cantatas of Johann Gottlieb Görner and Balthasar Schott”


Anselm Hartinger (Bach-Archiv Leipzig), “Bach and Zelenka: New light on the Musical Relationship between Two Contemporaries”


Andrew Talle (Peabody Institute, John Hopkins University), “Two Catholic Bach Enthusiasts from Eighteenth-Century Fulda: Johann Heinrich Fischer and Fructuosus Roeder”


           4:00–4:30          coffee break

Szymon Paczkowski (Institute of Musicology, Warsaw University), “Bach and the Story of an ‘Aria tempo di Polonaise’ for Joachim Friedrich Flemming”


Raymond Erickson (Queens College, City University of New York), “Leipzig Theologians and the Early Enlightenment: A new avenue to the issue of Bach and the Jews”


           5:30 p.m.          Reception Bach-Archiv

           6:00 p.m.          Society Business Meeting

           7:30 p.m.          ABS Banquet


Saturday, MAY 13

       9:00–10:30 a.m.          Session III: Bach Reception Bach-Archiv

                                         Ulrich Leisinger (Mozarteum, Salzburg), “Bachian Fugues in Mozart’s Vienna”


Albert Clement (University of Utrecht), “The Vocal Parts of Bach’s Matthew Passion used by Mendelssohn in Leipzig, 1829: Some   Considerations on the History and Meaning of the Surviving Materials”


Yo Tomita (Queen’s College, Belfast), “‘Most ingenious, most learned, and yet practicable work’: The English reception of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier in the first half of the nineteenth century seen through the editions published in London”


        10:30–11:00               coffee break


        11:00 a.m.–12:00        Session IV: C. P. E. Bach


Robin A. Leaver (Westminster Choir College, Rider University), “The C.P.E.  Bach 1790 Verzeichniß: What do the Pictures Exhibit?”


Isabella van Elferen (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands), “‘Und ging hinaus, und weinete bitterlich’: Music crossing Social Borders in C.P.E. Bach’s Passions”


         12:00–2:00 p.m.        Lunch on your own

          3:00 p.m.                  Bach Cantata Service, St. Thomas Church

          4:30 p.m.                  Depart for Störmthal (Hildebrandt organ, 1723)

          5:15 p.m.                  Demonstration of Hildebrandt organ and Organ Recital

          7:30 p.m.                   Dinner

Sunday, MAY 14
