“Global Bach”
Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society
Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia)
September 26–29, 2024
Call For Papers | Register | Schedule | Travel and Hotel

Conference Schedule

As of July 5, 2024 (subject to change as necessary)

Thursday, September 26, 2024
4:00pm Hotel check in available
4:30-6:30 Opening reception at the hotel [Hickory Room]
7:30 Concert: The Sebastians (Performing Arts Studio, Emory University)
Friday, September 27, 2024
Location: Performing Arts Studio, Emory
9:00–9:15 Check-in (coffee and light refreshments available) (Burlington Road Building Reception Area = Adjacent to Performing Arts Studio)
9:15–9:30 Welcome
Session I: Interpreting Bach
9:30–10:15 1. Mary Greer, “Anomalies in ‘Hercules at the Crossroads’ (BWV 213): Implications for the Christmas Oratorio
10:15–11:00 2. William Fischer, “‘Bring your Bärenreiters’: The Colorful and Checkered History of a Major Music Publisher”
11:00–11:15 Break
11:15–12:00 3. Daniel R. Melamed, “How Not to Analyze a Bach Cantata”
12:00–2:30 Lunch
ABS Board Meeting I [Room TBD]
Session II: Fresh Fruits [Location: Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of Theology, rm. 360]
2:30–3:15 4. Stephen Crist, “The Roots of Bach’s Music in the Treasures of Lutheran Hymnody”
3:15–4:00 5. Sashi Ayyangar, “‘Angewandtes eigenes Nachsinnen erlernet’: The Influence of Nicolaus Bruhns on J. S. Bach’s Early Cantatas”
4:00–4:45 6. Annika Fabbi, “‘What’s in a Score?’: Exploring the Publication History of J. S. Bach’s Capriccio, BWV 922”
5:00pm Dinner on your own
8:00 Concert: Organ Recital (Jack Mitchener @ The Schwartz Center)
9:30 Post-concert reception at the hotel
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Location: Performing Arts Studio
9:00–9:30am Coffee and light refreshments available [BRB Reception Area]
Session III: Bach and Politics
9:30–10:15 7. Kailan Rubinoff, “From Authenticity to LGBTQ+ Empathy: Queering the St. John Passion
10:15–11:00 8. George Stauffer, “Bach and Democracy”
11:00–11:15 9. Andrew Talle, “Bach’s Cello Suites in Global Politics”
12:00–12:45 10. Derek Stauff, “Early Music in The Glass Bead Game
12:45–2:00 Lunch [provided] (Burlington Road Building Patio or Lobby)
ABS Board Meeting II (Location: Burlington Road Building, 204)
Session IV: Screening and Keynote
2:00–3:30 Screening: Living Bach
3:30–3:45 Break
3:45–4:45 Keynote Address: Michael Maul: “Three Years of Bach: We Are Family!”
5:00 Dinner on your own
7:00 Concert: Atlanta Baroque Orchestra (Glenn Memorial Auditorium)
[TBD: Post-concert reception at the hotel]
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Location: Emory Conference Center Hotel
9:00 Business Meeting (with breakfast buffet, provided)
Session V: Bach in Social Media
10:00–10:45 11. Steven Zohn, “Bach in Friendly Remembrance: Album Inscriptions as Reception History”
10:45–11:30 12. Nicholas Phan, “Bach 52”